Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our first box!

This blog is to chronicle our experiences with our CSA (community supported agriculture) this summer.  We were members last year and loved the food, though I am ashamed to say we wasted far too much produce.  It's easy to get into the fresh veggies in the beginning, but after several weeks, it takes a lot of creativity to make all of the veggies work.  I'm hoping this blog keeps us on-track with using up every last vegetable and spurs me on to try new recipes.  I love taking pictures of food (I find it fun, though I feel it must seem silly),  so this would be the perfect venue!

I didn't find the newsletter detailing  the vegetables we were getting until we had them home, so I wasn't prepared ahead of time for supper plans.  We had lots of wonderful lettuce, arugula and cucumbers, so we made salads.  We also had hard boiled eggs, cheddar cheese bits , garbanzo beans and Italian dressing.  It was really good!  Brian looked at adding some of the mustard greens and mizuna, but they were really strong.  I'll be looking up recipes to use the frilly yellow mustard and mizuna - I recall using mizuna in fritatas or quiche last year. 

I guess I have three goal this summer regarding our CSA.............
1. Use all of the food and be as frugal as possible in how we use it.  
2.  Feed my family healthy food! 
3.  Get my 5-7 vegetable servings in a day to help in weight loss efforts. 

Wish me luck!